Egyptian vs Asian Loofah

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  • Egyptian vs Asian Loofah

There are two types of loofah, Egyptian Loofah and Asian Loofah, and there is a clear difference between the two types in terms of texture and flexibility. The Loofah grown in Asia result in a softer fiber, non-water resistant, less resilient with a poor exfoliating power. But the Egyptian loofah gives a very resistant fiber. When wet, the fiber become flexible and soft. It allows a very gentle contact on the skin while providing a very efficient exfoliation that lasts longer. For the following reasons the Egyptian loofah is highly recommended and used by estheticians, in the SPAs, body care and health centers.


Texture & Flexibility

Egyptian loofah has a very resistant fiber, when it wet with water, the fiber become flexible and soft, which allows a very gentle contact on the skin.

Water Resistance Degree

Egytian loofah is WATER RESISTANT PRODUCT, wet it many times, and its fibers will remain, consolidated & powerful for along time. More over it has a high, absorption power of, water.


Egyptian Loofah, MORE RESILIENT which allows a very gentle contact on the skin while providing a very efficient exfoliation that lasts longer.


Egyptian Loofah, allows a very gentle contact on the skin while providing a very efficient exfoliation that last longer.

Degree Of Efficiency In The Exfoliation process

Egyptian loofah, is more efficient in completing the exfoliation process.


non-water resistance degree product, with a tough contact on skin.

Texture & Flexibility

Asian loofah has a non-resistant fiber, when it gets wet with water, the fiber takes time to be flexible and soft, and its softness & flexibility becomes less than Egyptian loofah, which give a hard & tough contact on the skin.

Water Resistance Degree

Asian loofah is NON-WATER RESISTENT: The more you wet it, the more fibers will lose its power and be less consolidated. More over it has a low absorption power of water.


Asian Loofah is LESS RESILIENT which allows a tough contact on the skin while providing a very inefficient exfoliation.

Degree Of Efficiency In The Exfoliation process

Asian loofah is Less efficient in completing the exfoliation process.


Asian Loofah, makes a tough contact on the skin which decrease the efficiency of completing the exfoliation process.